jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Hunters the Reckoning

A Hunter is an ordinary human who has dedicated themselves to fighting the supernatural and protecting humanity from the encroaching darkness. These Hunters are capable of taking down kindred, Garou and Wraiths. All supernatural entity must fear Hunters because of the faith they possess, a powerful instrument in the destruction of Evil. There are several type of hunters from which they gain strength from separate styles of Hunting.
They divide into 3 Branches:

The Merciful: Those hunters that tend to show compassion towards creatures of the dark, and attempt to persuade the dark supernatural forces to turn to light, follow one of the Mercy Creeds.

The Zealot: Those hunters that are unforgiving and dogmatic in their belief that humanity is meant to "Inherit the Earth", and that the dark supernatural forces are arrayed against this manifest destiny of mankind, tend to be one of the Zeal Creeds. The tendency of these hunters to be warriors/soldiers among a group of Hunters gives these Creeds the stereotype as brute "zombie-killers." These Hunters do the dirty work out of a passion few humans may understand.

The Visionaries: Understanding and information gathering are the primary gifts of these Creeds. Originally charged to lead the Imbued in their war against the unnatural powers of the world, the Visionary Creeds consist of one viable Creed and two "Lost Creeds." In theory, these "Lost Creeds" consist of people who were granted too much insight for the mortal mind to handle and have ended up either deranged or overly violent due to this Calling. However, there is some implication throughout the different source books that these "Lost Creeds", specifically Way wards, ended up precisely how the Messengers wanted them.

Each path Focuses on different growth of the human nature, be that Physycal or Mental prowess. Most Hunters are unemployed and live by a dollar a day, because of the Mental strain that a person can withstand before going insane, the unnatural events of Demons, Vampires, Wraiths and Werewolves. Creatures that should not be but are, all of this tend to drive a Hunter mad and seek isolation, so this kind of person couldnt have a stable job because he has an unstable mind.

A Hunter has no supernatural abilities, he has no incredible strength or speed or resiliency, he is a mortal that can see the world of darkness beyond the veil and illusions and pierce into the realm of the underworld, hence he can see Vampires and Werewolves for what they are, of course the Masquerade that kindred employ make this task a bit more difficult, but a trained Hunter will find his target.

Hunters have been around since before the inquisition calling themselves Witch Hunters, but gained power with the catholic church and became the right hand of God in destroying evil, many orders have since come about like the Society of Leopold and a government program called as Strike Force Zero.

The Government knows of the existence of the undead, the team has no Faith for they are part of a program of soldiers but instead they have Technology. SFZ members altered their attributes by cybernetic implants that make them a match for the creatures of the dark.
Hunters can be found in the lowliest of beggars to the man in a tux a la Matrix Style agent.

37 comentarios:

  1. Great write up! I think I would personally be a hunter :)

    Keep up the great work!

    Come look at mobys new plants :)

    Have a great day!!

  2. the premise of the game sounds cool.

  3. I'm definitely a zealot type, good writing.

  4. I really feel that I could be a good hunter.

  5. finally, someone who doesn't have supernatural powers. ;)

  6. holy crap. I played this game before. Years ago though. It was fun then but not too sure how i would like it now

  7. If I was a hunter I'll be a Zealot!

  8. very informative im glad I read that

  9. Cool vampires, thanks for the info man! :)

  10. I want to be the kind of hunter that sits around in his underwear eating chips and watching TV.

  11. so would you consider them good or bad guys

  12. Coool post BRO!!!

    I went here today!!

    R E S P E C T!!!!

  13. man hhow do you know so much about this?
    lots of infor inside source?

  14. there is no way ill be merciful on anything that is not mortal as I am...

  15. You'd think that hunters would be paid better but no. :\

  16. never heard of this one. ill check it out though.

  17. brilliant post!


  18. These were my fave type of games... complete underdog's compared to the supernatural
