viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Tomorrow the Rapture begins

So Tomorrow the rapture begins, so im just gonna chill around and wait for nothing to happen and see the world Rejoice again that indeed the end of times isnt here. Sorry that i didnt post anything regarding Vampires, Werewolves or anything related its just that every time that a False prophet comes into play stating that "THE END OF THE WORLD IS AT HAND REPENT OR BURN IN HELL" it gets my blood burning Ignorance must be punished. Oh yeah it is 21/05/2011 in Australia and i dont hear anything about the judgement day beginning.

54 comentarios:

  1. lol already saw this pic on someone elses blog. if u die tomorow i'll tell your wife that u wanted me to tell her that u never spent enough time on the internet. okay.

  2. I like the Mayan prophecy, it gives me more time to have fun.

  3. Ah well It will give me something to look forward to lol.

  4. Well, they protected themselves. We get to stick around for 5 months, we just won't realize that all the believers are in heaven. I can't wait for October though.

  5. I'm going to be very disappointed if the world doesn't end.

  6. Nothing, I mean nothing will happen tomorrow...this guy was already wrong once!

  7. Pfft, the world isn't ending in Australia. God forgot about it.

  8. Good to know in advance

  9. I have good tickets... last row so i can leave before show ends :P

  10. No man, it's happening next year. They got it all wrong :D

  11. @Bart Thank you man you do that o will be grateful

  12. I don't think anyone can predict when it will happen.

  13. it's already started where i'm from, but nothing's happening yet.

  14. haha great picture let's see if any madness happens around my area tomorrow!

  15. yeah... so what is this rapture i keep hearing about? seriously

  16. Hopefully people will stop believing this stuff on May 22.

  17. I AM SO E-X-C-I-T-E-D!! Funny thing happened today. I drove past where one of those billboards they have had all over was, and it was all covered up already - you would think they could have paid for it at least until May 21...or October 21, you know, when the rapture is complete. I think perhaps someone might me losing a little confidence.

  18. I'm not wearing any pants.

  19. Anyone who is actually Christian knows the whole rapture thing today is a load of bullshit.

  20. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not sweating it.

  21. The mayan Profecy finish in 2012 because thy where off stone

    this is an epic one xD

  22. I am so scared the world will suddenly explode![/sarcasm]

    I can't believe people really believe in stuff like this :D

  23. Woho, 1 pm here and nothing happened!
    Somehow, nowbody in Europe is speaking about this XD

  24. just think that all this is so stupid...

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  26. guessing the time for the "Rapture" is like trying to guess the exact moment the bell is going to ring before we're let out of class, you'll get it wrong a million times but the one time you do get it you'll think you're the worlds biggest bad ass, and instead you just got lucky. ‎"Rapture" is in quotes because, hell, if an earth quake could be a "Rapture" who's to say the Japanese Haven't had their "Rapture" yet, they had a devastating earthquake and tsunami, doesn't that count? if a destructive force of nature is a "Rapture" what about the devastating earthquake in San Fransisco? The "Rapture" is just another justification for the pointless, meaningless, and seemingly random ending of lives by an unstobable force of nature.

    people are idiots.

  27. 6 pm Eastern Standard Time (US) is when it's supposed to happen.

  28. Yeah. It's pretty crazy to think the rapture's going to come when there aren't any signs to support it.

  29. I heard tale that it was supposed to start at 6 PM and as each time zone hit 6 PM those people would be raptured, well it would appear that still hasn't happened. :D whatever DOES happen when the end does come (if it ever does) I hope that everyone can work together to prevent it.

  30. It's tomorrow now. Everything is going just fine.

  31. I guess I just have to get back to work on Monday. That sucks.

  32. G, did you place a bet on the world ending? I don't want to be rude, but why did you do that? :P I mean, if the world had disappeared then you wouldn't have won anything lol

  33. Damn it, I'm still here :(

  34. lol nothing happened just like i thought :P

  35. hm yeah nothing happend but though many things happend on 21/05/2011 :D wondering what will be the most enjoyable thing!

  36. well the Rapture sure was fun XD
